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What’s in the Box
- The China Doll Plant with Pot- XL:90 - 115 cm
- Pot Size: 9 inch diameter
- Soil Media:Coco Peat+Coco Chips+Soil
- Recyclable box
●Buy China Doll Plant for Indoor Spaces: Stunning Tree-like Growth for Wonderful Aesthetics
The China Doll plant, also known as the Radermachera plant, is known for its large appearance and lush growth. Its dark green foliage is given the perfect backdrop with its woody stems and easy care requirements are what draw a lot of gardeners in. Like quite a few tropical plants, the indoor China Doll plant instantly adds a forest-like feel to any space and does best when not handled too much.Even the lowest maintenance plants like to be given the right kind of love. So, here’s everything you need to know about the beautiful China Doll plant indoor and a little on how to give it the right kind of love:
●Know the China Doll Houseplant Better: Features and Benefits of the Plant
The China Doll plant is known for its lovely aesthetic and ease of care. Here are a few of its features and benefits that will make you fall in love with the idea of having a China Doll plant indoors!1. Elegant Appearance
With its delicate, glossy leaves, the China Doll plant has a classy and elegant appearance. Its large growth and wonderfully shaped leaves allow it to fit perfectly into any and every kind of home decor, making this plant a highly decorated and celebrated one in the world of gardening and home decoration.When mature, a large China Doll plant can reach up to 4-6 feet indoors, making it a striking focal point in any room.
2. China Doll Plant Flower
When indoors, the China Doll plant does not flower much - like the Peperomia Green plant. However, if cared for properly and kept in the right environment, China Dolls can flower to showcase small, white, and inconspicuous flowers. As a gardener, seeing even the smallest flower on your plant will make you feel super satisfied and proud!Moreover, should you ever choose to repot this plant as a China Doll tree outdoors, you will be able to grow bigger white flowers on the tree and the catch is that these stunning flowers bloom only for one night and disappear come the morning sun!
3. Air Purification
The indoor China Doll plant, much like quite a few indoor plants, is known for its ability to cleanse and purify the air around it. It filters out commonly found indoor pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, and other particulate matter. In turn, it releases extra oxygen into its environment, helping you create a safer, healthier, and cleaner space indoors for you and your loved ones.4. Low Maintenance… Relatively
Just when you thought it doesn’t get any better… we’re here to tell you that this stunning indoor plant is also relatively low maintenance! The China Doll plant is known for its ability to thrive without too much human attention and interference once you’ve met its light and soil requirements. However, it is preferred that you have some gardening experience and know-how to understand the kind of care this plant demands.Now that you know why the China Doll is such a popular houseplant, let’s look at some of its basic demands and care requirements:
●China Doll Plant Care Indoors: Some Basics You Must Know
While relatively low maintenance, the China Doll plant is still a little particular about some of its demands. So, here are some things you must know to allow your indoor China Doll plant to thrive:1. Large China Doll Plant Light Requirements
When understanding the basics of how to care for China Doll plants indoors, the most essential thing to understand is that they need just the right amount and kind of light. They need bright, indirect light and can also work well with filtered sunlight. So, you can do two things -1. Place them near a window that receives bright but indirect sunlight, or
2. Place your China Doll near a window that has a sheer, slightly stronger curtain that will allow some filtered sunlight to pass through.
The balanced light will ensure optimal growth because direct sunlight can scorch its leaves and insufficient light can cause leggy growth.
2. China Doll Plant Watering
Hailing from the subtropical regions of the Asian continent, the China Doll plant loves its humidity and moist soil. But keep in mind that when we say moist, we do not mean overwatered soil. If you water the China Doll plant every day, it can easily get overwatered and waterlogged. To ensure a proper balance of even watering, you must do 2 things:a. Water your plant with proper watering cans so all parts of it can get enough water without the foliage being damaged in any way, and b. Water it only once a week to avoid overwatering. If you’re unable to tell when the right time for watering is, then use Ugaoo’s Sustee Watermeter - a device that will tell you the perfect time to water your plant again. It will give you a blue indication when the plant is perfectly watered and a white one when it needs watering. So, keep an eye out!
3. Humidity & Temperature for the China Doll
As we mentioned before, the indoor China Doll plant loves its humidity too. So, mist your plant regularly to provide its foliage and roots with adequate moisture & humidity. If you’re unable to mist it, use a humidity tray. This is basically a tray filled with water and lined with pebbles, allowing the water to evaporate faster to reach your plant.Additionally, remember that this indoor houseplant prefers a warmer climate and environment. So, it will do well in our regular indoor spaces.
4. China Doll Plant Fertilizer & Soil
Use a well-draining potting mix to prevent waterlogging. Ugaoo’s Pot-o-Mix will give you the perfect mix with enhanced drainage and perfect aeration. It is a mix of 11 essential ingredients including Perlite and Cocopeat.Ensure that you feed this plant with a balanced fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during its growing season to support healthy growth. You can also use a balanced fertilizer like Ugaoo’s Seaweed Plant Tonic to support better growth.
5. Pest and Disease Control
Keep an eye out for common houseplant pests like spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs. If you do happen to spot any pests on your precious plant, treat the infestations promptly with insecticidal soap or neem oil.Happy gardening and we hope you enjoy the companionship of your China Doll plant!

Aishwarya RoyAfter receiving this plant (𝑴𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒂 𝑫𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒔𝒂),the plant was mature,tall as promised with a healthy growth...it was well hydrated and full of node..The packaging was great... Thank you @ugaoo for this delightful Monstera.. I'll be happy to buy it again
pragyasmitaUgaoo is a brand that's synonymous with trust.. you know your plants will have a long life once you buy from them, not only because their plants and seeds quality is good, but they handhold you through every small part of the lifecycle.. they are my plant buddies for life... Whether i buy online, from The Jungle, whether i buy jade or mooli seeds... Whether i chat on insta or attend their online classes, or request for a return... each and every member of the ugaoo family speaks the same language... That of love- for the customer and for plants.. i am so glad ugaoo is in my life
Samarth GoyalIt was always wonderful experience with ugaoo plants what they show is what customer receives always
And that is too big thing to manage packaging and quality
Love for ugaoo foundation will remain infinite
Anirudh Nambiar“During covid, all deliveries became online..food,plants,groceries..wait..plants? Who would have thought?..well..Ugaoo did and is best at it. They make sure that we get the greenest and lushest plants so that we can love & care for them as they do. Their delivery containers are not only functional but aesthetically pleasing too. I personally am in love with their service and would totally recommend it to anyone who wants to make the first step in making their home a jungle ”