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Ficus Moclame Plant - XL

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    Water Twice a Week

    Always check your plants before watering, the topsoil should be dry to touch. For succulents allow the potting mix to dry completely before watering again.

    Needs Partial to Indirect Light

    Place your plants on window sills where it can get the brightest possible partial light. Partial light is when the plant is within a couple of feet of a natural source of light.

    Toxic to Pets

    This plant and your furry friends cannot become the best buds.

    Needs Gardening Experience

    The plant needs a knowing eye of a gardener to understand what it needs. Fairly easy to grow if you take care of their set of requirements.

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    Ficus Moclame Plant - XL
    Ficus Moclame Plant - XL
    Ficus Moclame Plant - XL
    Ficus Moclame Plant - XL
    Ficus Moclame Plant - XL
    Ficus Moclame Plant - XL
    Ficus Moclame Plant - XL
    Ficus Moclame Plant - XL

    About the Product

    The Ficus Moclame (Ficus Microcarpa) is an evergreen indoor plant from the fig family native to Southern Asia. Also, famous as Indian Laurel, Pot Belly Fig, Chinese Banyan, Malayan Banyan, and Curtain Fig. While in the wild, Ficus Moclame can grow into 50 feet tall trees, indoors they only grow to six feet.
    Famous for their thick round leaves with glossy finish that distinguishes it from its more famous cousins like the weeping fig and the fiddle-leaf fig. The moclame plant needs partial to bright indirect light and can be placed near a south or west facing window for large impressive foliage.

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    What’s in the Box

    What’s in the Box

    • Ficus Moclame Plant - XL : 70 - 80 cm
    • Pot Size: 9 inch Side
    • Soil Media: Soil + Coco Peat + Coco Chips
    • Recyclable box


    Why is my Ficus Moclame dropping leaves?

    Overwatering is the leading cause of leaf drop in Ficus Moclame plants. Excessive water suffocates your plant's roots, leading to rot in the long run—which you want to avoid! So, water your plant only twice a week or when the top two inches of the soil dry out. Remember, balance is key! Other reasons for leaf drop could also be improper lighting, pesky pests, and environmental stress.

    Can Ficus Moclame regrow leaves?

    If your Ficus Moclame is shedding leaves, you must first understand why! Solve that problem and your plant will begin to grow new and healthy leaves over time. The biggest reasons for leaf drop can be overwatering, improper lighting, pest infestations, and lack of humidity.

    Why do Ficus Moclame leaves turn yellow?

    Improper watering is the biggest killer of Ficus Moclame plants and also the reason behind their yellowing leaves. Chances are that you are overwatering your Moclame and smothering its roots. So, ensure that you're watering your plant only twice a week or when the top two inches of the soil dry out.

    How do you clean a Ficus Moclame plant?

    Ensuring clean foliage is the key to maintaining proper plant health. Use a soft, damp cloth to clean your Ficus Moclame as you gently pat down its leaves. Make sure that all the dust and dirt get removed with the cloth. Pro tip: always use lukewarm water to clean, and avoid chemicals or waxes - they do more harm than good!

    How to prune Ficus Moclame?

    To prune your Ficus Moclame, first, ensure to pick sharp and properly sterilized pruning tools. We want to avoid all possibilities of infection! Then, trim all leggy, overgrown, dead, and diseased branches. If bushier growth is what you want to encourage, remember to cut right above a leaf node. Also, prune your plant during its active growing seasons -- spring and summer.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 17 reviews
    Roberta Bartolo
    Healthy tree

    We found a nice sunny place for this plant and it’s looking quite healthy, green and happy.

    Dr Pritish Chowdhury
    Ficus Moclame plant XL

    Glad to receive the plant in excellent vibrant condition. Everything including packaging etc are praiseworthy.

    Good Packaging and Good Quality Plant

    Received the plant in good packaging and the condition of the product was quite good.

    Nagaraj Rao
    Nice packing and received as if just bought personally from the nursery... fantastic job by Ugaoo

    Nice packing and received as if just bought personally from the nursery... fantastic job by Ugaoo


    Customer Testimonial
    Customer Testimonial

    After receiving this plant (𝑴𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒂 𝑫𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒔𝒂),the plant was mature,tall as promised with a healthy was well hydrated and full of node..The packaging was great... Thank you @ugaoo for this delightful Monstera.. I'll be happy to buy it again

    Aishwarya Roy

    Ugaoo is a brand that's synonymous with trust.. you know your plants will have a long life once you buy from them, not only because their plants and seeds quality is good, but they handhold you through every small part of the lifecycle.. they are my plant buddies for life... Whether i buy online, from The Jungle, whether i buy jade or mooli seeds... Whether i chat on insta or attend their online classes, or request for a return... each and every member of the ugaoo family speaks the same language... That of love- for the customer and for plants.. i am so glad ugaoo is in my life


    It was always wonderful experience with ugaoo plants what they show is what customer receives always

    And that is too big thing to manage packaging and quality

    Love for ugaoo foundation will remain infinite

    Samarth Goyal

    “During covid, all deliveries became,plants,groceries..wait..plants? Who would have thought?..well..Ugaoo did and is best at it. They make sure that we get the greenest and lushest plants so that we can love & care for them as they do. Their delivery containers are not only functional but aesthetically pleasing too. I personally am in love with their service and would totally recommend it to anyone who wants to make the first step in making their home a jungle  ”

    Anirudh Nambiar