Gardening Basics Buy Seeds Intelligently May 07, 2016 Seed selection is the first and the most important factor that determines the success of your garden. When you grow plants from seeds, the quality and speed of their growth...
Gardening Basics Nutrients Essential For Plant Growth May 06, 2016 For healthy growth and development, plants need the right nutrients. Essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium support vital functions such as photosynthesis, energy transfer, and cell division. Adequate nutrition...
Gardening Basics Best Container Gardening Tools to Use May 01, 2016 Pots and tubs brimming with flowers are super pleasant and good to look at, aren’t they? Container gardening is undoubtedly an art. Being practiced since ages now, it is also...
Gardening Basics Growing Cosmos April 29, 2016 Annual FlowerBiological Name: Cosmos sulphureus and Cosmos bipinnatusFamily: AsterCosmos Description:These cottage garden plants are the easiest to grow. They are prized for the abundant, silky, daisylike flowers and can be...
Gardening Basics Growing Coreopsis April 26, 2016 Annual Flower, WildflowerBiological Name: Coreopsis tinctoriaFamily: AsteraceaeCoreopsis Description:Commonly known as Tickseed and Pot of Gold, Coreopsis is known for its colourful, daisylike flowers. They are extremely easy to grow and...
Gardening Basics Growing Calendula from Seed April 25, 2016 Botanical Name: Calendula officinalis Family: Asteraceae FamilyCalendula also known as Pot Marigold, English Marigold, or Poet's Marigold is an Annual Flower. The lovely colorful flowers of this little plant add...
Gardening Basics Growing Balsam April 24, 2016 Summer Annual FlowerBiological Name: Abies balsameaFamily: Impatiens balsaminaDescription:A Victorian garden favorite, Balsam is a quick growing flower. The plant is native to Asia, North America, & South Africa. Balsam looks...
Gardening Basics Growing Cleome April 21, 2016 Annual FlowerBotanical Name: CleomeFamily: Capparaceae familyGenus: Cleome Description : Planting Cleome flowers is a lovely garden adventure. Extremely simple in growing, this lovely garden adventure re-seeds itself and grows year...
Gardening Basics How to grow Clarkia? April 20, 2016 Let's grow Clarkia!Hardy Annual FlowerBiological Name: Clarkia Amoena (Latin)Family: OnagraceaeDescription:William Clark discovered Clarkia on the North American Pacific Coast and brought its specimens. Thus the flower derived its name from...
Gardening Basics All You Need To Know About Greenhouses April 02, 2016 A greenhouse provides a light-friendly location for growing flowers, vegetables or other plants. It means that the gardening can be continued irrespective of the season. Apart from protecting the plants...
Gardening Basics Fallen Leaves: Abundant Uses and Countless Benefits March 29, 2016 Fallen leaves are often very troublesome. If collected on a lawn they can block the sun rays from reaching the grass and thus obstruct their growth. Usually considered as litter...
Gardening Basics Ground Cover that Attracts Good Insects March 27, 2016 Occasionally certain insects may not actually harm your garden. Some of them are garden keepers who keep other harmful insects away. • Beneficial Insects for Gardens Few like beetles and centipedes...