Stunning, tropical, easy care - this stunner is a plant lover's green dream come true in every way. Whether you're looking for the perfect foliage plant to fill the empty corners of your home or for a stunning centerpiece to add to your plant decor collection, the Bird of Paradise plant can do everything.
Add the Bird of Paradise to Your Collection!
While it makes for the most picture-perfect standalone plant no matter where you put it, the Bird of Paradise also does beautifully when paired with companion plants. So, if you're looking for its most ideal companions for this plant, here are a few that will leave you wanting more!
• What Grows Well With Bird of Paradise Plants?
Essentially, companion plants are those that grow well with each other and help each other grow better. Here are a few stunning plants that complement the Bird of Paradise, not just in terms of health but also looks!
1. Peace Lilies

Shop the Peace Lily Plant
Peace lilies and Bird of Paradise are both tropical flowering plants, and can grow beautifully when put together. Their long, tapering foliage share a lot of similarities.
They both share the need for bright, indirect sunlight and irregular watering schedules that are almost matching. Moreover, the stunning pearly white blooms and glossy green foliage of Peace Lilies complements Bird of Paradise plants wonderfully.
It's a match made in heaven!
2. Crotons

Buy the Vibrant, Colorful Croton Petra Plant
Looking for more colorful companion plants for Bird of Paradise plants in your home? Take a look at the Croton Petras!
These stunners look perfect anyway but put them next to a Bird of Paradise and you'll be surprised by just how magical they can look.
These plants also share a lot of the care requirements, just like the B.O.P (yeah, that's what we're calling the Bird of Paradise now).
3. Philodendrons

Shop Our Collection of Philodendron Plants
As tropical plants, Bird of Paradise plants and Philodendrons grow very well together. Not only do they require similar care but also look magnificent when paired.
Out of the list of plants that grow well together with BOPs, these come pretty close to topping our list. Whether you're looking for long-leaved Philodendrons or small-leaved ones that grow well on trellis supports, we can guarantee that almost all of them will go great with your Bird of Paradise.
4. Spider Plants

Shop Spider Plants
Contrasting companion plants make for best friends and that's just what Spider plants are to BOPs. The trailing, sleek foliage of the Spider plant is contrastingly complementary to the long, tall, and erect foliage of the Bird of Paradise.
Honestly, if you ever spontaneously ask us about the best companion plants for Bird of Paradise plants, we couldn't ever miss out on Spider plants!
The requirements for Spider plant and Bird of Paradise care are pretty similar and growing them in similar conditions just works.
5. Ferns

Get Your Own Fern Plants!
Ferns are also wonderful companion plants for Bird of Paradise plants. Why? For one, because they deter pests. Another is because they need growing conditions similar to that of the Bird of Paradise.
One more - absolutely unbeatable - reason is that Fern plants are natural pest deterrents. They deter pests that could be quite harmful for Bird of Paradise plants, making for wonderful additions to spaces near them.
With the right companion plants for Bird of Paradise, your stunning flowering plant can thrive flawlessly. So, take your pick and grow your favorite alongside other magnificent plants to perfectly complement your plant and home decor.
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