Have the benefits of poppy seeds (khus khus) always appealed to you? Then you're going to fall heads over heels for the wonderful, vibrant poppy flowers. The crinkled blooms of the poppy plant bring a striking visual delight to it, adding an allure and charm that make it absolutely irresistible to all gardeners - new and seasoned alike.
Buy Poppy Seeds
These lovely blooms are easy to grow from seeds and astonishingly low maintenance once established. But of course, there are some things you must know before you begin to grow the seeds and care for poppy plants.
So, let's get into it!
•Why Should You Grow and Care for Poppy Plants in Your Garden?
What benefits does it bring to you?

Poppy flowers are wondrous garden beings that add greatly to the allure of any space. These lovely spring bloomers are delightful to watch as they grow into their crinkled blooms and stand tall to invite beautiful pollinators into your green oasis.
But a lot of the times, the question stands "will growing these flowers do me any good?", and to that we say - you really won't regret it. Of course, as lovers of all flowers and plants, we're probably not going to ever ask you not to grow any flower ever. But this one, you really won't ever regret!
Here are a few benefits of growing poppies in pots and outdoors:
1. Variety and Then Some More
There is a vast variety of poppy seeds that you can choose from to grow flowers and plants of different colors. Some of the most commonly grow poppy plants are the Iceland Poppy, Common Poppy, and Opium Poppy.
In different poppy seedling stages, the plant will grow up looking unique before it reaches full maturity. With the right care, you will be able to experience the joy that comes with every stage as you watch your plant grow into its ethereal beauty.
2. Pollinators Love Poppies

If there's any being that truly appreciates the sweet existence of poppy flowers, it's a pollinator. Beneficial pollinators such as a bees and butterflies land on poppy flowers for their sweet nectar and end up benefitting more than just themselves.
With poppy flowers, you will be able to create a harmonious biodiversity in your garden, benefitting both your garden and its surrounding environment.
3. Poppies Are Drought-Tolerant
Do you sometimes forget to water your plants and remember nearly 2-3 days too late? Some plants may be relentlessly unforgiving of this but poppies are rather generous when it comes to drought-like situations.
So, even if you live in a space that gets dry easily and quickly, poppies will grow rather well as they can thrive for some time without water too.
4. Poppy Seeds are Edible!

You must have heard of poppy seeds being used for various culinary purposes, often being known for adding a delicious, nutty taste and a wonderful texture to dishes. These seeds are nutrient powerhouses and are a delectable top-up used in a variety of cuisines.
But what you must know is that not all poppy seeds are edible - just from some plants such as the Opium Poppy.
•How to Germinate Poppy Seeds
Just like us, you're probably sold on growing poppy from seed in your home garden. But let's really get to the essence of the article with an answer to a big question - how to germinate poppy seeds.
1. Grow them in spring

This is one of the most important things to remember but these flowers are best grown in spring, often flowering by the time the next summer or spring comes around.
2. Sounds funny, but refrigerate your seeds
Not all seeds need to be put through this stage but poppy seeds need to be exposed to some cold temperatures before they can germinate. This process is known as stratification.
To increase chances of germination, refrigerate your poppy seeds for 3-5 days to ensure the provision of proper growth environments. This step usually needs to be taken when planting the seeds in hot regions or after the cold weather has passed.
3. Poppies love the sun

Which is a piece of information you must remember when selecting a spot to grow them. Plant your poppy seeds in a seedling tray if starting them indoors and place them in a spot where they will receive at least 6-8 hours of sunlight every day.
4. Drainage and aeration is key
When picking the correct soil to grow and care for all kinds of poppy seedling stages, remember that every developmental stage requires the plant to have enough drainage and aeration.
Just like us, the seeds love a little bit of space to breathe. So, pick a potting mix that contains ingredients such as cocopeat and perlite. For this, you can use Ugaoo's Pot-O-Mix which is a perfect blend of 11 such ingredients.
5. Sow the seed of your effort

We mean this literally - sow your poppy seeds once you've done the previous few things. When sowing them, remember that they are quite small so you cannot sow them too far down as the soil will then suffocate them.
So, simply sprinkle them on the surface of the soil in the trays and lightly push some of the soil over it.
6. Moisture is a must
Another important to remember is that keeping the seeds moist is what will keep them alive. So, remember to use a proper spray bottle to mist your seeds every day to keep them going.
7. Transplanting and thinning the plants

Once your seeds have grown and developed at least 2 sets of true leaves, you can transplant them from the seedling trays to wherever you want them to grow. This can outdoors or indoors.
Keep the soil intact so the roots are not harmed in the process and plant them in a desired spot, again keeping in mind their needs for sunlight.
When transplanting, you also must thin the plants. This includes cutting away the growth of some seedlings that are growing too close. This will avoid competition and allow every plant to grow properly in the future.
These steps tell you how to grow poppies from seed indoors. Let's talk about how to care for the plants once they've matured and have become outdoor dwellers.
•How to Properly Care for Poppy Plants: Show Them the Love They Need
Once your poppy plants have matured and developed to become the stunning bloomers they were always destined to be, caring for them becomes easier. But here are some specifics you need to know:
1. Watering never loses its importance

So, water your plants and when you do, water them deeply. You poppy plants will demand water once every week. So, hydrate them as and when the top inch of their soil begins to run dry, and they will reward you with stellar blooms.
P.S.: If your poppies begin to grow tall and leggy, you're probably overwatering them
2. Proper fertilization is key
A lot of us may already know that under-fertilization can cause stunted growth. But did you know that over-fertilization too can do more harm than good?
So, striking the right balance is crucial. There are some slow-release natural fertilizers such as Epsom Salt that promote proper flowering and healthy growth of plants, especially those that flower.
Additionally, their slow-release nature will reduce the risk of over-fertilization or chemical burn substantially.
3. Too many spent blooms? Cut 'em off!

Oftentimes, when flowering plants have too many spent blooms or dead flowers, they lose a lot of energy. This is because they are then spending too much energy on producing seeds from the spent flowers.
So, remove or 'deadhead' the spent blooms to prevent seeding and energy loss, encouraging better and continued blooming.
4. Manage the pests
There are some pests that poppies tend to attract because after all, who doesn't love their charming allure. But these are rather unwelcome visitors as they can cause major harm to your plant in the long run.
Aphids, mites, fungus gnats, and mildew are commonly occurring problems for neglected poppy plants. So, keep an eye on out to ensure proper care for poppy plants in your garden.
Remember: Timing is key. The sooner you find pest infestations out, the faster they can be eliminated.

By now, we've established that poppies are rather forgiving and generous plants, demanding little care and rewarding you with terrific Spring-time blooms. So, care for them right and enjoy a garden that will leave you feeling content every time you lay eyes on it!
We hope you enjoy gardening as much as we do - from poppies to other flowers that will give your garden a never-ending charm and allure!
Happy gardening!