Women's Day is all about celebrating the beautiful women in your life. From their quirks and imperfections to their achievements and endeavors - this day is all about them.
There aren't even the right words in the dictionary to properly describe the impact a woman can make in your life. Whether it's your mother who brings you into this world and makes you who you are, or your friend who stands by you through thick and thin, unwavering in her love and support for you.
So, the question arises - if the pen, which is said to be mightier than the sword, cannot bring to life words that do justice to women, will any gift ever be able to?
While a tough problem to give a solution to, we've got an answer that will put every pen and every sword to shame. Believe it or not, the answer is plants!
Sounds impossible? Well, let's make it a bit more believable for you!
• Here's Why Giving Indoor Plants as Gifts is the Best Thing You Can Do For the Women in Your Life!
We're almost 100% certain that by the end of this, you'll believe that the plant is mightier than the pen. So, we don't want to keep you waiting any longer... let's get into it!
1. First things first, plants are just gorgeous

Needless to say, house plant gifts are the most stunning things you can give her this Women's Day.
Chocolates? Same old, same old. Flower? They'll wilt in just a few days. But plants? They never get old and they never fade away! They just grow and grow, till they're even more beautiful than they were when you first got them.
We guarantee you - no other gift does that!
2. This gift will never collect dust in a corner

Remember that gift you got last Diwali? How many times did you use it before gently packing it up and putting it away? Well, we know our answer and it's not good!
Whether or not she's a plant lover now, she will be one in just a few hours! Soon, she'll be waking up in anticipation of a new leaf/flower and taking a moment away from her busy life to tend to her plant.
After all, isn't that something we all need? Something/someone to pull us away from the noise and stress of everyday life, and give us a home within our home!
3. House plant gifts to destress

Yes, women can do everything and anything. Yes, they can be whoever they want to be.
But sometimes, women just want to be. To exist without expectations and to live a life free from stress, pressure, and anxiety.
Of course, a completely stress-free life is impossible. But a few moments of glory are enough to make them feel better.
Plants are those few moments of glory!
They bring immense joy to their caregivers with just their existence and their presence in itself is a stress buster like no other.
No but, really! Plants release chemicals that reduce stress-related activity in the body and ensure a calmer, happier environment at home!
By giving her indoor plants as gifts, you're giving her the gift of a more stress-free life!
4. Plants are the only gifts that will make you feel less lonely

Of course, unless you're gifting her a dog!
Plants are scientifically proven to reduce feelings of loneliness in people, instilling a sense of belonging, warmth, and joy.
There's no better way to show her your appreciation than to gift her a loyal companion who will stay by her side forevermore!
5. They are gifts of luck, love, and all things good!

House plant gifts are more than just materials. You're not just giving her a gift that she can see and hold, but also one that she can feel.
The simple presence of a plant brings home immense positivity, joy, abundance, and good fortune. Yes, the smallest plant can make the biggest impact!
What better way to express respect and admiration than to give her a gift that never stops giving - just like her!
Through thick and thin, through hot and cold, plants are gifts that will never stop being by her side. They will comfort her when she's down and become a shoulder she can cry on.
They will also be happy with her when she celebrates her latest win and become her silent cheerleaders on the days when she needs them most.
All-in-all, women and plants are the greatest duo ever - and for good reason! Giving her indoor plants as gifts basically just means you're reuniting her with her long-lost love!
• Which House Plant Gifts Can You Give Her This Year?
Now that you've made it this far into the blog, we're assuming you've decided to give her the best gift known to mankind - plants!
So, here's a small list of house plant gifts you can give her to make her (super) happy!
1. The Peace Lily
Shop the Peace Lily Women's Day Gift
Classy, evergreen, and super beautiful - you can never go wrong with gifting this plant!
These plants are the perfect gift ideas for someone who loves plants - whether or not they've actually had one before.
Peace Lilies are super low-maintenance and bring peace, harmony, and balance into their caregivers' lives.
2. The Jade Succulent
Buy her the Jade Mini Plant Gift!
Talk about adorable! The stunning Jade succulent is an absolute head-turner with its adorable coin-shaped leaves and compact size.
The perfect desk plant for homes and offices, the Jade never fails to amaze.
Plus, it's zero-fuss and a beacon of good luck, prosperity, and wealth!
3. Aglaonema Pink
Shop the Aglaonema Pink to Gift!
The most beautiful shades of pink color this plant with spotty, wonderful variegations, making it the perfect gift for plant lovers and newbie gardeners alike.
It is super low-maintenance - which is astonishing considering how beautiful it is - and it's an absolute jaw-dropper.
A little care and this plant will become her lifelong, loyal companion!
So, which of these will you be giving her as gifts this year?
For more options, explore our Women's Day Gifting Plants and Plant Combos!