10 Ways to Create a Biophilic Design

10 Ways to Create a Biophilic Design

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While the world of gardening keeps evolving, the concepts of how to incorporate plants into your lives properly evolves too. Making use of a biophilic design while decorating any space with indoor plants is one such concept. But before we look at 10 different ways of creating a biophilic design, let's understand what exactly the concept means. 


• What is a Biophilic Design?

Biophilic design home in the bathroom

Biophilic design is an innovative architectural and interior design philosophy that integrates natural elements into man-made environments to enhance human health and well-being. The term "biophilia" refers to the in-built love that humans for nature, a love which biophilic design seeks to harness. By incorporating natural light, vegetation, water features, and natural materials, biophilic design creates spaces that foster a connection with nature, even within urban or indoor settings.

Biophilic design is not just about adding plants to a room; it is more a holistic approach that involves the thoughtful integration of various natural elements to create an immersive and rejuvenating environment. This design philosophy can be applied to homes, offices, schools, hospitals, hotels, and other built environments, promoting physical and mental well-being, increasing productivity, and enhancing the overall quality of life.


• 5 Senses Involved in a Holistic Biophilic Design

To properly experience a biophilic design indoors, there are 5 main senses that can be involved. Here's what you need to know:


1. Sight

using sight as a sense in biophilic design home

Visual connection to nature is one of the most important and impactful aspects of biophilic design. How can you make use of this for the perfect effect?

Incorporating plants for living room decor, large windows with views of greenery, and natural materials like wood and stone can create a visually appealing environment. Unique plant decoration ideas at home, such as vertical gardens and potted plants will bring vibrant colors and life to indoor spaces.


2. Sound

Natural sounds, such as flowing water, bird songs, or rustling leaves, can be soothing and stress-relieving. Water features, like indoor fountains or aquariums, can introduce these sounds into your home or office, enhancing the biophilic experience.


3. Smell

lavender plant indoors as a biophilia home decor idea

Scent plays a crucial role in creating a biophilic atmosphere. Fragrant plants, such as lavender, jasmine, or eucalyptus, can be strategically placed around the home or office. Essential oil diffusers with natural scents can also contribute to a calming and refreshing environment.


4. Touch

The tactile experience of natural materials can be very grounding and refreshing. Incorporating textures such as wood, stone, and natural fabrics into furniture and decor can enhance the sensory connection to nature. Plants for living room and office environments also provide a great tactile element, as the leaves and petals can be touched and felt by reaching out to them.


5. Taste

growing herb plants indoors

While taste might seem challenging to integrate into biophilic design, it can be achieved by growing edible plants indoors. Herbs like Basil, Mint, and Rosemary can be part of your room plants decor, providing fresh ingredients for cooking and adding to the sensory experience. This can also be done by growing them from scratch with seeds. You will have a deeper connection with these plants you choose to grow from scratch, enhancing the journey for yourself. 

Buy Seeds



• 10 Ways to Create a Biophilic Design in Your Space

Creating a biophilic design home or office involves thoughtful planning and a blend of various natural elements. Here are ten ways to incorporate biophilic design into your space:


1. Maximize Natural Light

maximizing light with a skylight indoors

First, you must always ensure that your home or office has plenty of natural light. Use large windows, skylights, and open spaces to let in as much daylight as possible. This not only improves mood and productivity but also enhances the visibility of your indoor plants setting ideas.


2. Incorporate Indoor Plants

Use a variety of plants to create a lush, green environment. Plants for living room decor, such as Ferns, Money plants, and Spider plants, are excellent choices. For office plants interior design, consider low-maintenance options like succulents and snake plants.

Buy Plants


3. Use Natural Materials

Some of the best natural materials that you can use and incorporate are wood, stone, bamboo, and other such materials in your furniture and decor. These materials provide a great tactile and visual connection to nature, enhancing your overall biophilic home design.


4. Create Green Walls

green walls for a biophilic design

Vertical gardens or green walls are an excellent way to add a significant amount of greenery to your space without taking up floor space. They can be used in living rooms, kitchens, or even bathrooms to create a striking natural feature.

Also Read: Top 10 vertical garden plants


5. Introduce Water Features

Water has a calming effect. It is also probably one of the best natural features you can use to instill a deeper connection with your biophilia home decor. This feature can be incorporated through indoor fountains, aquariums, or even a small tabletop water feature. The sound of water can enhance relaxation and create a serene atmosphere.


6. Design with Natural Colors

design with natural colors for a biophilic design

You can use a color palette inspired by nature, such as greens, browns, blues, and earthy tones. These colors can be used on walls, furniture, and accessories to create a cohesive and calming environment.


7. Optimize Views of Nature

Position seating and workspaces to face windows with views of gardens, trees, or other natural elements. If outdoor views are limited, create a stand-in indoor with strategic placement of plants and artwork depicting nature.


8. Enhance Air Quality

using peace lily indoors for better air quality

Plants not only add beauty but also help purify the air. Incorporate a variety of plants that are known for their air-purifying qualities, such as Peace Lilies, Aloe Vera, and English Ivy, into your room plants decor.


9. Incorporate Natural Patterns and Textures

Use patterns that mimic natural forms, such as leaf shapes, water ripples, or tree bark textures, in textiles, wallpapers, and decorative items. This can very subtly reinforce the connection to nature.


10. Create Multi-Sensory Experiences

Combine visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, and even taste elements to create a rich, multi-sensory environment. For instance, use plants that offer visual beauty, pleasant scents, and tactile experiences while incorporating natural sounds and materials.


Buy Indoor Plants