What is organic gardening?
The term ‘organic gardening’ means the systematic use of eco-friendly techniques. The three primary principles of Organic Gardening are - feed the soil, concentrate on prevention and opt for purest and most natural method first. Organic gardening refers not just to a system of techniques, however, but also to a new philosophy of life.

The origin of organic gardening:
- The Organic Gardening movement began in the late 1940s.
- Increase use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers post Second World War triggered this movement. However, the organic gardening principles have been practiced for decades.
- Renowned writers like Pliny and Virgil emphasized the importance of "good husbandry to the healthy land."
- In 1580, Thomas Tusser, in his thesis named Five Hundred Pointes of Good Husbandry, suggested crop rotation to maintain good health.
- During the 17th century, John Evelyn's Kalendarium Hortense had a section that describes how to enrich the ground in mid-winter with horse and sheep waste.

Organic gardening in the 21st century:
- The concept of Organic growing dates back to thousands and thousands of years. It was always considered as the marriage of good horticultural practice to the awareness of surroundings.
- On a larger scale, the concept of Organic Gardening boosted in the 1960s, when growing levels of environmental damage caused by pesticides and chemicals became evident.
- With the organic approach and activities such as recycling, using sustainable products and avoiding pesticides it was believed that these hazardous effects could be minimized. Read about 5 fruits that you can grow organically at home.

Organic Standards:
- Organic standards have been set globally explain the requirements of farmers, growers, processors that should be met so that their products and services are marketed as organic.
- The standards are both stringent and extensive and cover a broad range of farming, growing, and manufacturing practices.
- The organic standards differ from one country to another. FOAM - the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements is the worldwide body of organic agriculture, and it provides a platform for the global exchange of information.
- For the use of chemicals in organic products, there are a few chemicals that are allowed to be used. The use of these substances is restricted to a particular quantity.
- No artificial herbicides or fungicides are allowed to be used in the production of Organic stuff.
- Organic gardeners rely heavily on developing a healthy fertile soil and growing a mixture of crops. By following these basic practices, they work in harmony with nature and aim to strike a healthy natural balance within their gardens.
- People feel that organic movement is just concerned with growing food, but that is not true. Going organic is about adopting a way of life. Today, everything from organic clothing to gardening products can be found.

Is it possible to be wholly organic?
- Being wholly organic is challenging. But, you can achieve this by aspiring for ideal solutions, understanding that practicalities outweigh personal ideals, perseverance, and compromise less on the substandard products in your life and your garden.
- Simple planning and the observance of reasonable gardening practice can improve your organic credentials and, with time, you will be able to strike a natural balance in your garden. Buy organic fertilizers online.
- Ultimately, as an organic gardener, your aim should be to make appropriate choice when it comes to tending your country estate or growing home-produced vegetables.
- It is always better to move a few steps towards the organic way rather than ignoring it entirely. And on the journey of going organic - Ugaoo is with you!

Reference - The Organic Gardener by Christine and Michael Lavelle