10 Types of Fertilizers That Help To Grow Plants

10 Types of Fertilizers That Help To Grow Plants

Table of Contents

Plants prepare their food by the process of photosynthesis. In this process, plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide & water. Therefore, photosynthesis covers 95% of the plant’s food requirement. Plants require oxygen for respiration, just like we do. However, to stay healthy plants need basic nutrients, supplementary nutrients & micronutrients.

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Types of Plant Nutrients Needed for Proper Growth

1. Basic Nutrients

Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K) are 3 major essential nutrients that are provided via soil.

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2. Supplementary Plant Nutrients

Calcium, Magnesium & sulfur are also essential nutrients, but are required in a moderate amount in the soil.


3. Micronutrients

Iron, Boron, Copper, Zinc, Molybdenum, & chlorine are mineral nutrients that are required in a very less amount in the soil. These play a key role in plant growth.



    • 10 Types of Fertilizers for Plants

    1. Organic Fertilizers

    All organic fertilizers release nutrients slowly & steadily over a period. Organic fertilizers are required to be provided in bulk i.e. larger quantities for an insured continuous supply of nutrients. They increase the humus content of the soil, keeping the soil moist & overall improving health & quality of the soil.


    2. Cow Dung Manure Fertilizer

    Ugaoo Cow Manure

    Cow Manure is the most commonly available organic fertilizer in India. Well rotten cow dung manure should be used instead of fresh cow-dung. Ideal cow dung compost manure is black, moist, and in powdered form and it is one of the best fertilizer for plants at home due to its ease of use and slow-release of nutrients. 

    3. Bio-Compost

    Ugaoo Home Compost Kit

    Compost manure is obtained from the process of home or farm level composting. It’s either done in composter or compost pit. Compost is made from household green waste & farmyard brown waste. 

    4. Leaf Mould

    It is a form of compost exclusively made by the fungal & bacterial breakdown of dry leaves. Leaf mould is good quality humus. It is used as rooting medium for stem cutting & pot mixture for orchids & ferns.

    Also Read: What is Leaf Mould & How to Make It

    5. Vermicompost

    Ugaoo Vermicompost

    It is manure obtained from the disintegration of organic waste by earthworms. Vermicompost is moist, dark, consistent manure with a slow & steady supply of nutrients.


    6. Chemical Fertilizers

    These are available in granular or powdered or liquid form. Chemical fertilizers are strong & concentrated, therefore they are provided to plants in lesser quantity.


    7. Organic Veggie Mix

    Ugaoo Organic Veggie Mix - best fertilizer for vegetable garden

    Buy Organic Veggie Mix

    Organic Veggie Mix is another one of the best fertilizers for vegetable gardens. This 100% organic and all-natural fertilizer is ideal for giving your fruit and vegetable plants the kind of nutrients they need. Proper application every month will allow you to keep your plants happy and thriving!    

    8. Epsom Salt 

    Ugaoo Epsom Salt

    Buy Epsom Salt

    Another great soil amendment/fertilizer, Epsom Salt is a great fertilizer for indoor plants at home. This light-weight and easy to manage fertilizer is used as topsoil and mixed into the soil, improving the ability of the plant roots to absorb nutrients. Over time, it aids fruiting and flowering, giving you healthier and more vibrant plants. 


    9. Mustard Cake Powder

    Ugaoo Mustard Cake Powder

    Buy Mustard Cake Powder

    Different types of fertilizers tend to be more unconventional the more you look at them. But Mustard Cake Powder brings you conventional benefits with unconventional looks. This easy-to-use powder is one of a kind - 100% organic and all-natural, this wonderful plant fertilizer gives your plants all-around, balanced, and slow-release nutrition, thus promoting optimal growth and better longevity.  


    10. Goat Manure

    Ugaoo Goat Manure

    Buy Goat Manure

    Much like Cow Manure, Goat Manure is also a fertilizer for indoor plants at home. This usually comes in pellet form and is super easy to use. All you have to do is mix in the pellets with the soil or even use it as topsoil/mulch and watch it work its magic!  


    Basic Types of Chemical Fertilizers That Grow Plants

    1. Nitrates (The leaf makers)

    organic fertilizers used to create healthy foliage plants

    These fertilizers are high in nitrogen. Nitrate helps plants to grow faster by encouraging the formation of more & more leaves.

    Common Nitrates: Ammonium sulphate, Ammonium chloride, Calcium-ammonium nitrate, Urea. 


    2. Phosphates (The root makers)

    These fertilizers are high in phosphorus. Phosphates encourage root formation & rapid root growth; hence helping the overall growth of plants.

    Common Phosphates: Single Super phosphate, Basic slag, Rock phosphate. Buy phosphate fertilizers Multipeak and Multibloom online in India.


    3. Potash (The fruit makers)

    using fertilizers to encourage fruiting

    These fertilizers are high in potassium. Potash fertilizers encourage flower & fruit formation in plants. The addition of potash leads to increased fruit production, with high quality, better tasting, shiny fruits.

    Common Potash: Muriate of Potash(60%), Sulphate of Potash(50%).


    4. Mixed Fertilizers (N:P:K)

    These are combinations of all 3 NPK. Proper and balanced NPK fertilizer uses are many. They help overall growth of leaves, roots, fruits, and flowers. Therefore, these are often considered all-round and complete fertilizers.

    Common combinations: Nitrophosphate (20:20:0), Mono Ammonium phosphate (11:18:0), Diammonium phosphate (21:54:0), Nitrophosphate with potash- Suphala (15:15:15), Sampurna (19:19:19). 


    • Micronutrients

    These are given in lesser quantity to plants for enhanced growth. Micronutrients are provided in case if plants are showing deficiency of any particular micronutrient. They are given as basal dose during plantation or during top dressing of garden plants. Many brands of micronutrients are available in market. eg.  Mixol Micromix Chelated (EDTA).