365 Days Flowering Plants in India: 10 Flowers that Bloom All Year

365 Days Flowering Plants in India: 10 Flowers You Will Love

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Who doesn't love flowering plants? Watching them grow and develop buds, and watching those buds bloom into wonderful flowers that leave you absolutely awestruck when you see them - flowering plants are the biggest delight to have at home.

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But the concern of a lot of home gardeners lays in the fact that none of these flowers last more than a few months. In some cases, some of them wilt within a matter of days. Well, what can you do? Such is the life cycle of flowering plants. Some of them last a few months, others a few days, while some even last only a few hours or overnight. But what if we told you that there are a few different types of flowers that bloom almost 365 days a year when cared for properly? 

We know that we'd go absolutely crazy and would want to grow these flowers just so we could have a year-round display of stunning flowering and vibrant colors all throughout our gardens. Well, in case you're just like us, we've written this blog to tell you about 10 different 365 days flowering plants in India.

So, without saying more, let's get into it!


• 10 Flowers that Bloom All Year Round

Here is a list of 10 flowering plants that will leave you awestruck with their vibrant and year-round blooms. But hey, it's a give and take. So, remember - if you give them the right care, they will reward you with their wonderful blooms!


1. The Rangoon Creeper

rangoon creeper with flowers that bloom all year

Also known as Combretum indicum scientifically, this wonderful flowering plant is vibrant with a beautiful trailing habit. As its name suggests, it grows as a creeper and the right care brings about its stunning red flower clusters. 

Native to parts of Asia, this gorgeous plant is also more than just a looker. So, not only will you witness its stunning blooms year-round but also, you will be able to harness some of its medicinal benefits with the right kind of know how. 


Basics of Rangoon Creeper Care  

 Light Requirements  Full sun for at least 6-8 hours
Soil Preferences  Well-drained and aerated, fertile soil
Watering the Plant  Every week, check soil before watering 
Seasons to Plant  All year
Major Pests to Watch Out For Aphids and mealybugs



2. Anthurium Plant 

ugaoo anthurium plant

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Often known as one of the best indoor plants in the world of home gardening, the Anthurium is beloved by many worldwide. But did you know that this flowering plant also blooms all year? 

The wholesome heart-shaped leaves of the plant and its glossy, stand-out red blooms make it a great option for homes. It is easy to care for and a little care goes a long way for the Anthurium plant, allowing you to enjoy year-long blooms effortlessly!


Basics of Anthurium Plant Care

 Light Requirements  Bright, indirect sunlight 
Soil Preferences Well-drained and aerated soil, use Ugaoo's Pot-o-Mix
Watering Needs Water twice a week 
Major Pests to Watch Out For Aphids, mealybugs, thrips, spider mites



3. Jasmine 

Jasmine flowers that bloom all year

Did you know that the Jasmine plant belongs to the Olive family? These flowering plants are widely grown for their fragrance  Often, these plants are grown near fences and windows as they creep wonderfully and create the best natural privacy shield. 

These are one of the most commonly seen flowering plants in India and are easy to care for and relatively less fussy than other outdoor flowering plants. So, give it the right care and it will give you its year-long blooms!


Basics of Jasmine Plant Care

Light Requirements Full sun every day
Soil Preferences  Consistently moist but also well-drained and aerated, loamy soil 
Watering the Plant Water once a week, in summers check if your plant needs more watering by seeing if the soil is moist or dry between watering sessions, with your fingers
Season to Plant July-August, January-February 
Pests to Watch Out For Aphids, fungus, mealybugs, scales, caterpillars



4. Lantana Plants

lantana plants with different types of flowers

The reputation of these plants precedes them and even if you haven't heard of them, you're sure to have seen them before. Lantana plants are known to be extremely invasive and if their growth is not controlled, they can easily grow out of control, taking over the whole space where they grow. 

However, when they are grown in controlled environments such as pots and planters, they can grow beautifully without affecting your garden. Additionally, these flowers bloom all year long and provide you with the most wonderful aesthetics, as well as medicinal benefits. 


Basics of Lantana Plant Care

Light Requirements  Full sun, every day
Soil Preferences Well-drained loose and sandy soil, with organically fertile matter
Watering the Plant One inch water every week
Seasons to Plant  Spring months
Pests to Watch Out For Aphids



5. Geraniums 

red and pink Geranium flowers

The scientific name of these flowering plants is Pelargonium. However, a commonly used name is Cranesbills. This beautiful flower in India is a sight for sore eyes because its not everywhere that you can come across it. But contrary to popular belief, this plant is easier to grow than you'd think. 

These stunners are more than just pretty faces because their plants have medicinal benefits like no other. Moreover, the reason why it's so popular is because these wonderful flowers can be grown both indoors and outdoors, in the ground and in pots!


Basics of Geranium Plant Care

Light Requirements  6-8 hours full sun every day
Soil Preferences  Light, porous, well-drained, rich in organic matter, use Perlite in pots
Watering Needs 1-2 times every week
Seasons to Plant April-May
Pests to Watch Out For Caterpillars, leaf-eating worms, aphids



6. Peace Lily

Peace lily plants with flowers that bloom all year

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As its name suggests, the Peace Lily is often known to be a harbinger of peace and calmness. Its pearly white blooms are symbols of peace and its lovely leaves add the touch of serenity to an already perfect plant. 

What's even better is that this plant is one of the most effective and well-known indoor air purifiers. Additionally, it is super low maintenance and perfect for you if you're a first time gardener. This plant produce flowers that bloom all year and never fail to amaze with their timeless aesthetics. 


Basics of Peace Lily Plant Care

Light Requirements  Low light or bright, indirect light 
Soil Preferences Well-drained and aerated soil, mix in Coco Peat for best results
Watering Needs Twice a week
Pests to Watch For Mealybugs, spider mites, aphids, fungus gnats



7. Desert Rose   

Desert Rose flowering plant

Sounds poetic, we know. But its blooms really do its name justice. Known as Adenium obesum scientifically, the Desert Rose are 365 flowering plants that produce the most wonderfully vibrant blooms. 

This is often used as a bonsai plant and is super slow-growing, growing only a few inches every year. Moreover, this plant is said to bring great wealth and health to its owners. Additionally, it is low maintenance and will give you the most lovely pink flowers all year. 


Basics of Desert Rose Plant Care

Light Requirements Bright, indirect sunlight; 6-8 hours a day
Soil Preferences  Sandy, well-drained, can use Ugaoo's Cactus and Succulent Potting Mix
Watering the Plant Every 1-2 weeks
Seasons to Grow Spring months
Pests to Watch For Aphids, mealybugs, scale insects



8. Begonia 

Begonia 365 days flowering plants in India

Looking for picture-perfect flowering plants in India? Begonias have got your back! Wonderful foliage and vibrant blooms, these stunners are perfect for all kinds of gardens. Plus, they bring want you want most - flowers that bloom all year (with the right kind of care). 

These flowers do best in tropical and subtropical regions as they are native to such areas. So, a lot of these flowering plants do great when planted indoors and given a lot of humidity. No wonder these make for such popular houseplants because they're also easier to grow than the rest. 


Basics of Begonia Plant Care

Light Requirements Bright, indirect sunlight
Soil Preferences Any soil that drains well
Watering the Plant Every 2-4 days
Seasons to Plant  Early Spring months
Pests to Watch Out For Mealybugs, spider mites, powdery mildew, gnats, slugs



9. Bougainvillea 

bougainvillea flowering plants

In some parts of our country, Bougainvillea is a common household name because this is one of the most commonly used flowering plants in India. They are used for borders, hedges, along the dividers on highways and others roads, and for a lot more reasons. This is all because of their versatility and year-round vibrancy. 

With their delicate, papery blooms, Bougainvillea plants provide the most wonderful aesthetics. So, if you've got the time and space, this will make for the perfect flowering plant with different types of flowering in different colors such as purple and white. 


Basics of Bougainvillea Plant Care

Light Requirements 6-8 hours of full sunlight at least
Soil Preferences  Rich, loamy soil with organic matter
Watering the Plant  2 times a week, deep watering at least once every week
Seasons to Plant Just after summer ends - i.e. post May
Common Pests Spider mites, leaf miners, aphids, mealybugs



10. Hibiscus 

Hibiscus flowering plants in india

As part of the Mallow family, it is only fitting that the Hibiscus flower is absolutely stunning. These flowers are huge and grow to almost the size of a normal-size human palm. They come in a variety of different colors and do best in tropical or subtropical areas. 

These flowers that bloom all year with the right kind of care are also more than just lookers. They are known for being used in teas and offer a wide variety of medicinal benefits. 


Basics of Hibiscus Plant Care

Light Requirements 6-8 hours of full sunlight or bright, indirect light
Soil Preferences Sandy and loamy but not too heavy or rich
Watering Needs Once every day and twice every day during hot summers
Seasons to Plant  Spring months
Common Pests Aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, caterpillar, spider mites


With the right kind of care and love, this plants can become your favorite indoor companions, providing you with the most perfect flowers that bloom all year. So, which one will you be picking and growing this year?


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